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Trattoria Pizzeria \Da Alfredo\ is located in Napoli, Italy on Via Traccia a Poggioreale, 608. Trattoria Pizzeria \Da Alfredo\ is rated 4.4 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY] in Italy.
Imma was so nice, the food was second to none. Imma gave us a ride back to our hotel. Wonderful lady. Thank you very much.
I’m from Wisconsin, we have some stellar pizza shops; so does NYC and Chicago. This restaurant should not be overlooked, it’s the best pizza I’ve ever had in my live. This is a Green Mile meal. Absolutely bursting with flavor, delicious beyond comprehension.
If you don't look like you are wealthy then you receive bad service when more \important\ guests walk in. I wanted to spend more money but got the impression I wasn't good enough to be there so I left halfway through my meal, after I sat there for twenty minutes waiting to order more, while three people waited on a party of six nearby. I went elsewhere to eat more. Only restaurant in Italy I was offered coffee after my meal, guess they were ready for the peasant to leave and my money wasnt good enough for them. The food was good even if it was overpriced and the snobby service left a bad taste in my mouth.
Good food, and also the pizza is great. Enjoyed talking with lady Imma. Now I visit every time I go to Naples.
I had the most delicious pizza here tonight. Now I have to learn how to make pizza this good!
Trattoria Pizzeria \Da Alfredo\
Via Traccia a Poggioreale 60880143 Napoli NAItaly
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